Draft Pattern/ru


Draft objects with a ДанныеMake Face property can display an SVG pattern instead of a solid face color.

An ellipse and a polygon with an SVG pattern


  1. Make sure the objects are closed and planar, and do not self-intersect.
  2. To close a Draft Wire, a Draft BSpline, a Draft CubicBezCurve or a Draft BezCurve set its ДанныеClosed property to true.
  3. To close a Draft Circle or a Draft Ellipse set its ДанныеFirst Angle and ДанныеLast Angle properties to the same value.
  4. Select the objects.
  5. Switch to the View tab of the Property editor.
  6. The ВидDisplay Mode must be set to Flat Lines.
  7. Select a ВидPattern.
  8. Optionally change the ВидPattern Size. Note that a higher value results in a denser pattern.
  9. The pattern is not displayed when the objects are selected. Deselect them to check the result.
  10. Optionally reselect the objects to change the pattern properties.

Available patterns



See also: Preferences Editor and Draft Preferences.